ROCKMAN (MEGAMAN) 2 WEAPON GET SCREEN TEXT TUTORIAL WRITTEN BY: DragonMage98 VERSION HISTORY: (1.1) 2016-03-16 (Final) * Fixed some minor issues with the guide * Added more info (1.0) 2016-02-11 * Started writing this guide Intro: Hello everyone, I'm DragonMage98. Today, I'm going to teach you on how to edit the text in the Weapon Get screen in ROCKMAN 2. Before we get started, there are a few things you'll need: * FCEUX (An NES Emulator with debugging features) * RockMan 2 Rom (must be Japanese) * HexEdit 4.0 (a Hex editor) Once you have these, we'll begin on where to edit the text. Weapon Get Screen: NOTES: DO NOT ADD OR REMOVE BYTES! Doing so will cause your game to freeze upon loading the ROM. Otherwise, just change the bytes. Also, do not change the 25 and 0D values. Doing so will not show that part of the message properly. *Heat Man: 0x037D03: X Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Heat Man (Default is 25) 0x037D04: Y Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Heat Man (Default is 0D) 0x037D05 to 0x037D0E: Text of the weapon you got from Heat Man *Air Man: 0x037D0F: X Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Air Man (Default is 25) 0x037D10: Y Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Air Man (Default is 0D) 0x037D11 to 0x037D1A: Text of the weapon you got from Air Man *Wood Man: 0x037D1B: X Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Wood Man (Default is 25) 0x037D1C: Y Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Wood Man (Default is 0D) 0x037D1D to 0x037D26: Text of the weapon you got from Wood Man *Bubble Man: 0x037D27: X Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Bubble Man (Default is 25) 0x037D28: Y Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Bubble Man (Default is 0D) 0x037D29 to 0x037D32: Text of the weapon you got from Bubble Man *Quick Man: 0x037D33: X Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Quick Man (Default is 25) 0x037D34: Y Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Quick Man (Default is 0D) 0x037D35 to 0x037D3E: Text of the weapon you got from Quick Man *Flash Man: 0x037D3F: X Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Flash Man (Default is 25) 0x037D40: Y Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Flash Man (Default is 0D) 0x037D41 to 0x037D4A: Text of the weapon you got from Flash Man *Metal Man: 0x037D4B: X Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Metal Man (Default is 25) 0x037D4C: Y Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Metal Man (Default is 0D) 0x037D4D to 0x037D56: Text of the weapon you got from Metal Man *Clash Man: 0x037D57: X Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Clash Man (Default is 25) 0x037D58: Y Axis posistion for typing out the weapon you got from Clash Man (Default is 0D) 0x037D59 to 0x037D62: Text of the weapon you got from Metal Man *Text below the weapon you got: NOTE: This also appears if you got Item 1, 2, and 3. 0x037D63: X Axis posistion for typing out the text below the weapon you got (Default is 25) 0x037D64: Y Axis posistion for typing out the text below the weapon you got (Default is 4D) 0x037D65 to 0x037D6E: Text below the weapon you got *Dr. Light message (1): Line 1: 0x037D6F: X Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 1) (Default is 25) 0x037D70: Y Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 1) (Default is 2D) 0x037D71 to 0x037D7A: Text of the message from Dr. Light (Line 1) Line 2: 0x037D7B: X Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 2) (Default is 25) 0x037D7C: Y Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 2) (Default is 2D) 0x037D7D to 0x037D86: Text of the message from Dr. Light (Line 2) *Dr. Light message (2): NOTE: Although Line 1 is displayed first in game, Line 2 is shown first in code from top to bottom. Line 2: 0x037D87: X Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 2) (Default is 25) 0x037D88: Y Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 2) (Default is 4D) 0x037D89 to 0x037D92: Text of the message from Dr. Light (Line 2) Line 3: 0x037D93: X Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 3) (Default is 25) 0x037D94: Y Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 3) (Default is 8D) 0x037D95 to 0x037D9E: Text of the message from Dr. Light (Line 3) Line 4: 0x037D9F: X Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 4) (Default is 25) 0x037DA0: Y Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 4) (Default is CD) 0x037DA1 to 0x037DAA: Text of the message from Dr. Light (Line 4) Line 1: 0x037DAB: X Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 1) (Default is 25) 0x037DAC: Y Axis posistion for typing out the message from Dr. Light (Line 1) (Default is 0D) 0x037DAD to 0x037DB6: Text of the message from Dr. Light (Line 1) *Item # Text: NOTES: A1 = 1, A2 = 2, and A3 = 3. This text also appears after the Dr. Light message in game. Item 1: 0x037DB7: X Axis posistion for typing out Item 1 (Default is 25) 0x037DB8: Y Axis posistion for typing out Item 1 (Default is 0D) 0x037DB9 to 0x037DC2: Text of the message for Item 1 Item 2: 0x037DC3: X Axis posistion for typing out Item 2 (Default is 25) 0x037DC4: Y Axis posistion for typing out Item 2 (Default is 0D) 0x037DC5 to 0x037DCE: Text of the message for Item 2 Item 3: 0x037DCF: X Axis posistion for typing out Item 3 (Default is 25) 0x037DD0: Y Axis posistion for typing out Item 3 (Default is 0D) 0x037DD1 to 0x037DDA: Text of the message for Item 3 CONTACT: Anything missing or incorrect? Contact me at: Make sure the Subject is "Missing/Wrong Info On Your Guide" (no quotations!)